Patrol Boats

Uluslararası seviyede patentli olarak koruma altında olan stabilizasyon sistemine monte edilmiş makineli tüfek ile her uçuşunda tekli ve seri atış modu sunmaktadır. Operatöre ateş etme onayı gelene kadar, çok katmanlı güvenlikle otonom olarak görevi icra eder.


A patrol boat (also known as a patrol vessel, patrol craft, or patrol ship) is a relatively small naval vessel designed for coastal defense, border security, or law enforcement duties. Patrol boats come in various designs and sizes, and they can be operated by a country’s navy, coast guard, police, or customs authorities. They may be designed for marine (“blue water”), delta (“green water”), or river (“brown water”) environments.

As their name suggests, patrol boats are primarily used to patrol a nation’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). However, they can also be employed in roles such as anti-smuggling, anti-piracy, fisheries patrol, immigration law enforcement, or search and rescue operations. Depending on the size, organization, and capabilities of a country’s armed forces, the significance of patrol boats can range from small support vessels in a coast guard organization to flagship vessels forming a significant part of a navy’s fleet. Their small size and relatively low cost make them one of the most common types of naval vessels worldwide.

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